Over 22 years, dedicated to the modern agriculture !
Iri Trade is founded in 2003 with the activity: "Sales and service of large-scale agricultural machinery", with headquarters in the city of Sofia. From the foundation, the CEO is Iliyana Lefterova.
"IRI TRADE" JSC is the official representative for Bulgaria since 2007 of the renowned trademark "DEUTZ-FAHR", which is one of the leading manufacturers of self-propelled agricultural machinery. Deutz-Fahr b> is the successor of the Motorenfabrik N.A. Otto & Cie "by the father of the four-stroke engine
Nikulaus Otto.
In the production list enter
the whole range of agricultural machinery:
That's why we also offer::
For plant growing:: KÖCKERLING - proven German quality - direct seeders, stubble and pre-sowing cultivators, disc harrows.
a proven Swedish quality plow manufacturer - a company with 365 year history.
- Partners of IRI TRADE for Livestock:
- GEA (Global Engineering Association) - GEA is one of the largest manufacturers of food processing machinery and a wide range of products for other industries. The company has an annual turnover of 4.6 billion euros.
We offer complete design and equipment for livestock farms.
JEANTIL - specialized equipment for feeding animals, spreading of dry and slurry manure .
FIMAKS – a green line for silage preparation, feeding equipment, spreading of dry and slurry manure .
The sales and service complexes of the company are located in the following cities : Dobrich, Rousse, Yambol, Vratsa, Sofia, Pleven, Stara Zagora, Silistra and Kyustendil. More than 65 specialists work in the service centers, undergoing periodic qualification courses at the companies manufacturing the equipment.
"IRI TRADE" JSC has developed a system for express diagnostic of damage and delivery of the necessary spare parts within 24 hours.
The company offers in all its centers full service, available spare parts and special oils for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery.
Ири Трейд“ АД е сертифицирана от AQ Cert за съответствие с изискванията на стандартите ISO 9001:2015 и ISO 14001:2015. Основна задача на сертифицираната система по ISO 9001:2015 е да гарантира качеството на продуктите и услугите на дружеството с цел постигане на по-голяма удовлетвореност на клиентите, по-голяма конкурентоспособност и по-висок растеж на компанията. Сертифицираната система по ISO 14001:2015 цели да подобри дейността на компанията по отношение на ангажиментите ѝ, свързани с опазването на околната среда и да подобри осъзнатостта за необходимостта да бъдем отговорни към природата и човешкото здраве. :